Painting Rust & Blood and Salsa – Tom Bradley Review

    SEMES EILAM ABRASAX Jonathan Penton’s  Painting Rust & Blood and Salsa     Reviewed by Tom Bradley   No man, be he a writer, politician or diplomat, can be considered fully developed until he has squarely addressed the Jewish...

Dzvinia Orlowsky/3 Poems

Invisible Departures                            —internally displaced persons, Crimea, 2015   How long before choosing to kiss an angel’s hand, to reach for heaven’s fruit-bearing boughs— the bee not disturbed too drunk— How swollen the seeds of heavy-headed...

Help Hawk Paint

An Open Letter from Mia Hanson My name is Mia, and this May 18th I will be celebrating my seventeenth wedding anniversary to an artist of considerable integrity who not only delights me as a person, but inspires me daily with his uniquely visionary works of art. I met...

Greg Stewart’s NYC

Nowadays sets up for the outdoor screening of the documentary, “What Lies Upstream?”   Screening: “What Lies Upstream”    Upon entering Nowadays, I am greeted by the familiar sight of young women in high-waist shorts and tattooed...
Lucy Nell Stewart / Artist Interview

Lucy Nell Stewart / Artist Interview

Still from the video, Route 4   Artist Interview The Strange and Good Vibrations of Lucy Nell Stewart with Mike Foldes Ragazine: You’ve had a varied and colorful background with a focus on dance from the time you were a child in California. Was dance something...